As Told Over Brunch... Brunch

If you read this blog often or follow us on Instagram, you likely know that one of Cazey’s favorite brunch spots in Richmond was Star-Lite, so when we found out it was closing, we immediately made plans to go to their final brunch service to say our goodbyes.

You know what they say, though, when one door shuts, another door opens.

And that door happens to be to Brunch, the latest companion restaurant to Lunch | Supper.

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Christmas in April

Once upon a time in undergrad, I had a roommate who was very particular about her belongings. I won't elaborate on the details other than to say that one time I chipped the lid of a pot from a 12-piece, $40 set, and I never heard the end of it.

The roommate and I decided to part ways come the end of our lease. However, we still had three months left to live together.

A cool night in late April, I took the recycling out and went to grab a new bag. We kept the bags - the paper bags from the grocery store - underneath a heavy box on the pantry shelf. I pulled a bag out and was opening it when I heard a BAM!

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