As Told Over Brunch

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Why Throwback Thursday is the best social trend ever

So, based off of the title of this post, you may be able to infer that I am a huge fan of the #tbt / #throwbackthursday hashtag. Beyond being a relatively easy trend to keep up with, it really brings to life social media. I love looking at baby pictures, so that is the first reason I like throwing it back. Just ask my friend whose house I stayed at and stalked out all his pictures of the baby version of himself. I also find myself to be a pretty stunning baby, so there's that.

Beyond babies, I also am a fan of any reason to stalk myself, and throwback Thursday is the perfect reason to scroll through every picture of myself on Facebook. The weekly dash of nostalgia is a really welcomed distraction in my schedule.

From a professional standpoint, there are two solid reasons that throwback Thursday is a blessing. Firstly, it's a great way to recycle content without anyone being suspicious! It's actually a great self-serving way to get second legs out of material without anyone calling you out on it. Second of all, it gets you involved with a well-known and popular trend. It's a pretty easy way to seem hip without having to try too hard.

From what I've gleaned about my readership, people seem to like my embarrassing stories more than my business ones, so back to me. I take throwback Thursday as a way to show off how cute I was as a baby and how totally awkward I was in my teen years (you are welcome world!). To get in on the action, check me out on Instagram and twitter (@sarawoznicki) for this week's family photo circa 2008.

What's been your best throwback post?