As Told Over Brunch

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A Paddle ball Christmas Tale

After spending the past few nights playing around with the new paddle ball my mom bought me for Christmas while listening to Hall and Oats, I determined that this paddle ball was superior to every paddle ball of Christmases past. Sidenote: a paddle ball in the stocking is a Christmas classic in my family.

Returning to my revelation, I spent every night playing with it, shocked by how many advances a simple paddle ball could have since my childhood. The thing is premium wood with a hole to hold the ball for easy storage. Truly beautiful craftsmanship.

Then I had another major revelation: I need a life. Not only had I played with this paddle ball EVERY NIGHT before bed, but I have been getting a bit stressed on the nights that I couldn't seem to paddle ball adequately enough. But don't you dare say anything about Hall and Oats: "Rich Girl" is a total classic AND the number one soundtrack to paddle ball to.

Anyways, after realizing that I am being a giddy child over a piece of wood with a ball attached to it, I decided I have come to terms with it because it is tradition (albeit a weird one). I have always been this excited about the Christmas paddle ball, and just because I am old and "mature" and whatnot, doesn't mean I shouldn't get to derive the same pleasure of tradition.

In a year where my life has been in a constant state of change, there is no reason I shouldn't be allowed to partake in a tradition that reminds me of home. Even this holiday, when I couldn't make it to see family, I was still able to retain some semblance of Christmases back home, while simultaneously picking up new traditions (a Skype Christmas with my family, followed by a really wonderful Christmas with a friend and his family).

So here's hoping you got your paddle ball fix this Christmas, or whatever tradition that makes you most happy!