As Told Over Brunch

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Less than 24 Truths Learned at 24

Today is my birthday. In the real world, this means I'm accepting gift cards to Starbucks, Kroger, and Amazon. In the blogging world, this means I'm supposed to deliver a numbered listicle (the number matching the arbitrary year of life where my matter took shape and emerged from another clump of matter) of triumphs and insights from the past year or else promises for my coming year of life. Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint. But I don't have exactly 24 (or 25) revelations to share with you - unless you want to hear my theory that the song "Angelina" on the Lumineers' sophomore album is connected to the song "Slow It Down" on their freshman album.

Instead, earlier this month on my walk to work, I composed the following list of truths I've experienced or reaffirmed this past year. At least if I'm remembering correctly in my old age.

Feel free to comment or question what I consider "truths" at 25. Knowledge grows with debate. (Oh, that should be added to the below list!)

  • Just because you can identify a problem doesn't mean there's a solution.
  •  You can't always say how you actually feel, or at least the degree you're feeling a certain way. You must soften your words. People remember even once you forget.
  • Things can't go back to how they used to be. They just sometimes feel like they do.
  • You will change, and so will your friends, and it's no one's fault. (But it's hard.)
  • You won't always be immediately happy as you pursue what you need to be happy in the long term.
  • Not everyone will be happy when you're happy. It's up to you to decide if that matters. Sometimes it does.
  • Traveling abroad doesn't change you, but it sure is fun. Future blog post/rant coming about this.
  • A lot of people haven't left the country. This does not make them lesser people.
  • Embrace spontaneity if that's what makes you happy, but if you're going to be miserable with spur-of-the-moment plans, then know that. It's okay to plan. Others' cup of tea doesn't have to be yours.
  • Yoga doesn't make you flexible or transform you into zen hipster, but you should try it.
  • Reach out to old friends. Forget other old friends.
  • History doesn't supersede authenticity. Or reliability. Just because you've known someone forever does not mean you know the true them or they are the better friend. The person you met last month could be the better friend. 
  • An iPhone camera is good enough. I take a lot of "artsy" Instagrams and have been asked multiple times this year what sort of camera and editing app I use. I am embarrassed to say, "Just Instagram."
  • On a similar note, it's okay to take pictures. Just don't live through them. 
  • Don't anchor your happiness and contentment on any other person. Even your soulmate. 
  • Soulmates don't exist.
  • Be present, but let your long distance biffles know what's going on. One of my best friends lives two hours away. Sometimes I feel guilty I'm not fully engaged in where I'm at, but at the same time I am engaged and fully enjoying the conversation my friend and I are having. 
  • Burn bridges to build empires. Be aggressive. Don't torch a village, but if they have two front doors, its okay to nail one shut. Set the rules for mutual success.
  • Being attractive and/or thin doesn't matter in the end. Look around you. There are plenty of ugly happy people. And I don't mean that sarcastically.
  • There are some things you will always struggle with. Not every insecurity disappears with age or even lessens.
  • You don't always have to have an opinion. But boy, you will suddenly know when you have an opinion.
  • Few things are permanent. Sometimes a truth is only true for as long as it's true. Then it's nothing, but what you used to know.

Can't wait to see what I figure out this year!

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