As Told Over Brunch

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Inspired by True Events: 23 Millennial Haikus

A couple of months ago, I published some haikus, all inspired by real life events that either I or a friend experienced. Here’s my followup.

Not having someone
To send texts that I regret—
What a boring brunch.

I think manslaughter
Packs less of a punch versus
Love. I would never.

Loving more versus
Less speaks weakly of self and
Strongly of weakness.

If I cannot find
Love at present in this heat,
Then a pool must do.

Never fall for a
Narcissist, or worse, they who
Love you more than you.

I owe you nothing
Except maybe one final
Rothko Room make out.

So much talk of love,
I need lower standards and
Your Netflix password.

Unavailable, one time
Hurt by Y2K.

At first my orchid,
Then a cactus—dry, sharp, pain—
Finally a weed.

I have been thinking
About this for some time, but
Let’s call it random.

The extent of my
Empathy is that “I can
Only imagine.”

I never wanted
Your best wishes, but neither
Did I want your worst.

Ghosting, easier
Once you have to tell someone,
“I don’t like you more.”

I am still getting
The hang of things since moving
And breaking people’s hearts.

Unavailable except
Physically, maybe.

Speak up if hung up,
Because I surely will not,
Suffer without me.

From single and proud
To single and mingling,
What happened to pride?

Not long for your world,
Though neither he nor you know.
He won’t outlive me.

Harder to write lies,
So say yours aloud, truest,
Speak vows to the birds.

Your every move lights
My soul up - is this love or
Am I unstable?

Every night I die,
Not from love, work, or vodka,
But sleep apnea.

Happy in photos,
Role model couple and life,
Popular filter.

I never credit
You for this artwork; I caused
My own mental health.

See this form in the original post

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