As Told Over Brunch

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Stitch Fix: Taking the Personal out of Personal Stylist

I'm an advocate for Stitch Fix, as you've probably noticed with my two previous blog posts about them:

But the last Stitch Fix I received was such a letdown, which it can only be SUCH a letdown because I am such an advocate. Things started off a little rough when they shipped my fix a day late, then proceeded to get worse when they mailed it to the wrong zip code.

It was an ominous sign for the impending delivery.

I came home to the box waiting by my door, and I excitedly ripped open the box, slightly nervous as the box was rather light and I had requested shoes. When I get the box open, my heart sinks immediately.

A few days prior (so too close to my deadline to make comments), my friend got her Stitch and got these horrendous mint flats for $85. Considering Stitch Fix has over 200 brands of shoes, what are the chances anyway that I'd get them? 

When I took out the packing slip, first on my list were mint flats. Sigh. But maybe they'd look better on me than her?

No -- perhaps worse. I have somewhat wide feet, so flats in general are usually a tough sell for me. When I slipped my feet into them, they felt like rain clogs, but in a flat form. They rubbed the top of my toes, my heel and the sides of my feet something horrible, too. But really the cherry on top is how foot condom-like they were.

My heart sank a bit at this point, since now I won't be getting my 25% off for buying everything, but I dig further in the box to see what other treasures await me. 

To my dismay, I find a lot of newborn baby pink, which I get because I wanted spring-like, but I'm not a pink person. Like at all, which I thought Lydia had gotten about me with everything else she had sent me. But I also listed myself as mildly adventurous, so I tried them on with an open mind. 

I almost don't want to post the picture of me in this dress. It was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen. First off, I don't understand the pattern or color choices, but that isn't even my main concern. Just look at how it hugs me and please try not to vomit on your keyboard with how much cellulite is visible. 

Next we move onto this pink atrocity. Not only is it pink with frilly sleeves, but it also has this grandma floral pattern. I don't understand this at all, nor do I think I scream "frilly floral."

The fourth shirt (right) was acceptable, but had a weird neckline, no shape and a price tag of $54. Too rich for my blood. 

Am I giving Stitch Fix another Try?

Despite not loving this fix, I'm not canceling my account yet. Lydia had my back on the first two boxes. She seemed to grasp my personal style while introducing some nicer elements to my closet. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was rushed, or maybe she simply doesn't know me as well as I thought. I am a stranger after all. A stranger who is letting another stranger dress her, so this is the risk I assumed when I let it happen.

But I'm confident that this was just a learning curve and we'll be back on track for my May package. Or at least I hope so, because I don't want to have start shopping for myself again. 

See this form in the original post

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