Brunch Review: Tupelo Honey Cafe

Several (maybe more than several) months ago, my roommate and I went to visit my sister in Charlotte, North Carolina. While down there, my sister took up to a really great brunch spot. So great, that I have sporadically tweeted about that one time I ate there months ago since then. I have been waiting my fair turn to get to go back. And then Jesus – or a person named Avery, who is basically a brunch Jesus – answered my prayers/tweets.

The restaurant of my brunch dreams was opening about an hour and a half away from me, and they wanted me to come up for brunch. Praise be. My immediate response was, “Do you need me right now? I can be there right now. I’ll just come now and wait outside,” but was able to gather myself and articulate my excitement in a way that (hopefully) didn’t make me seem obsessed.

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