Running on Fuel100 Electro-Bites

For the last several months, I’ve been training for the Richmond marathon, which I ran this past weekend. Because of this, I’ve tried out some running gear and workout supplements. The gear I tried out was the c2 leggings and pullover, which you can find here, and this week I’m reviewing Fuel100’s Electro-Bites.

Fuel100 sent me five packets of Electro-Bites to try: Apple Cinnamon, Pumpkin Spice (!!), Salty Vanilla, Simply Salty, and Salty Vinegar. I haven’t tried them all, but that’s probably because Salty Vinegar has me gagging at the thought. But Pumpkin Spice and Apple Cinnamon had me excited to try.

By the time I got these in the mail, unfortunately, my training for the marathon was over. All I had left was the war itself: the actual marathon. So this past Saturday I put a packet in my pocket (Salty Vanilla) and offered the packets to my two other runner friends with the condition they tell me their thoughts on the Electro-Bites. Instead of getting one review today, you get three-in-one. Even McDonald’s doesn’t give out deals like that.

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Bri's First Race Ever

Last week you read about my first race ever. This week you get to read about Bri’s first race ever.

The story begins two Thursdays ago. My friend Brian asked if I was running Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k, Richmond’s big spring run up and down Monument Avenue. I told him I wasn’t running since it since I don’t pay for races unless they're extraordinary deals like my 10-miler was.

Brian: “Do you want to run it?”

Me: “How much?”

Brian: “It’s free. You can use my bib. I have shin splints.”

Internally: Oh, free you say?

Externally: “I’m really sorry to hear that. You could walk it?”

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