An Open Letter to My Mom On Mother's Day

Today the internet is filled with posts proclaiming that they have the best mother. Perhaps the most beautiful, the funniest, the smartest, the most caring mother in the entire world. I’m not here to compete with anyone. In fact, I’m happy that so many people are as supported and filled with love for their mommas as I am.

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Help Me Pick My Profile Picture(s)

I already hate myself for this idea. But it really fascinates me. Learning y'all, it's awesome.

I read an article on Time a few days ago, which stated that we are scientifically worse at picking pictures of ourselves for our social media pages than strangers are. While not all of you are strangers, apparently you already are going to pick better pictures of me than me.

Weird, right? But maybe not actually surprising, as seen in real life examples...

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Why You Should Brunch This Weekend (Including Tonight)

If someone hasn't texted, Gchatted, emailed, or called you already asking what you're doing tonight, then they're going to soon. And we have an answer for you:

You're going to brunch tonight.

And you're going to brunch all weekend.

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Happiness is... Biking with Friends to the Farmer's Market

Months and months ago I promised myself that I'd bike again. So, I went to Target, tried on every helmet in the store (really, every helmet), and then bough a helmet and a bike tire pump. I can home, buzzing with the anticipation of completing one of my goals. 

Then the tires didn't inflate.

My excitement deflated. I threw in the towel, pretty ready to just sell the damn thing. It's basically just a big lawn decoration at this point.

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